The residents of Mandkola village of Haryana are eager to see the facelift of their village pond. As a responsible corporate, JK Tyre & Industries Ltd is supporting S M Sehgal Foundation under CSR for a pond rejuvenation project in the area, which commenced with a village meeting held on May 5, 2024. The rejuvenated pond will create a water storage capacity of 10 million liters, reviving the village landscape and augmenting water resources.
Through initiatives led by S M Sehgal Foundation in collaboration with Flipkart Foundation in Kaithal and Kurukshetra districts of Haryana, young individuals are becoming ambassadors of change, addressing the issue of crop residue burning in their communities.
Youth, including schoolchildren, are actively participating in environmental awareness sessions conducted from time to time, also focusing on learning about sustainable farming practices.
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MIT Engineer Surveys Farmers on Bullkey Tractor.

During a recent visit to Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, Collin Goldbach, a PhD student and MIT and mechanical engineer at the K. Lisa Yang Global Engineering and Research (GEAR) Center, met with farmers to discuss a specially designed tractor for small farmers in India called Bullkey. Goldbach joined Sam Kapoor, Praveen Tiwari, and other members of S M Sehgal Foundation to survey over 130 farmers about the Bullkey.
This motorcycle-style tractor can replace manual and animal labor and is designed to be affordable for small farmers. Farmers expressed significant interest in the Bullkey, citing labor shortages as a major challenge. The Bullkey team is now exploring ways to bring the product to market as soon as possible.
IPA’s 5th Annual Youth Essay Competition.

The India Philanthropy Alliance (IPA) Youth Essay Competition is a wonderful opportunity for high school and middle school students to demonstrate their talent for writing and research and make an impact on the future of India! The competition is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
The winning essays will be published on the IPA website and on traditional and social media channels. Winners will be invited to present their ideas to leading philanthropists, nonprofit executives, and business leaders at a national philanthropy summit.
Deadline is July 1, 2024.
Click here for more information
S M Sehgal Foundation with CAWST and TERI School Of Advanced Studies initiated the self-paced virtual learning program on “Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS)”.
In collaboration with CAWST, S M Sehgal Foundation is hosting two training programs on water issues, and RWH training with NIRDPR:
Editorial Team: Marly Cornell, Pooja O. Murada, Priya Chaudhary
Contributors: S M Sehgal Foundation team
Photo Credits: S M Sehgal Foundation staff
Design and Production: Outreach for Development team